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Tips for Tooth Pain and Sensitivity at Night

Posted on November 21, 2019

A large proportion of the population deals with frequent tooth pain or sensitivity that is exacerbated at night. Often, we don’t notice pain or sensitivity until we finally go to rest our heads and fall asleep. Both pain and sensitivity can be caused by a variety of common ailments, and prolonged sensitive tooth with ice cubesdiscomfort should always be discussed with your dentist. Tooth pain and sensitivity should each be dealt with individually, as each issue can have its own root problem and require its own unique solution. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best at-home remedies for dealing with tooth pain and sensitivity at night when you cannot reach your dentist. However, these tips are not permanent solutions, and you should always contact your dentist if the problem persists or you are concerned about your oral health.

Tooth Pain & Sensitivity Solutions

One of the best solutions for tooth pain and sensitivity at night is an ointment that contains Benzocaine (commonly known as Orajel). This is a topical pain reliever that requires a prescription from a dentist or other health care provider. Unfortunately, when pain or sensitivity becomes apparent in the evening, it is often not possible to discuss a prescription with your dentist before going to bed. Below, we offer tips for dealing with the discomfort until you can speak with your dentist about prescription medications.


Tips for Toothache Pain at Night

Pain in your teeth or jaw can either be a persistent ache or a sharp, inconsistent pain. Some of the most common causes of tooth pain include tooth decay, gum disease, gingivitis and grinding teeth at night. Each of these ailments can be addressed with the help of your dentist, but until you can book an appointment, it is important that you are still able to sleep despite the pain and discomfort. One of the best ways to limit tooth pain is to ensure that you are following a thorough oral health care routine. This should include brushing for the dentist recommendation of two minutes, flossing and using a fluoride mouthwash before going to bed. This can help ensure that no food is trapped between teeth and contributing to the pain. 

Some general tips for reducing tooth pain at night include elevating the head to help improve circulation and reduce inflammation in the mouth. This can be combined with a cold compress to help reduce inflammation, swelling and pain in the jaw and teeth. You may choose to take an over-the-counter pain medication or anti-inflammatory to help reduce the feeling of throbbing or aching pain. Depending on the cause of the pain, rinsing the mouth with a saltwater solution or hydrogen peroxide may also help kill bacteria that are causing pain or sensitivity of the gums and teeth. Saltwater is also known to reduce inflammation that could be contributing to or exacerbating the pain. Finally, some natural remedies for toothache pain include treating the affected tooth with clove oil to help reduce pain or chewing on a garlic clove to help reduce pain and inflammation.

As all these solutions only provide temporary relief, it is also important to book an appointment with your dentist to determine the root cause of your pain. Unfortunately, none of the above solutions will actually treat your pain but will simply help you manage pain symptoms in the short term.

Explore Your Options at a Dental Clinic

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem that can become progressively worse over time. You may notice tooth sensitivity when you eat hot or cold foods such as tea, ice cubes or ice cream. Sensitivity can be caused by a variety of tooth and gum issues, including receding gums or enamel damage. In general, sensitivity feels like a sharp pain that is associated with eating acidic, hot or cold foods and the pain dissipates when you eat more neutral foods. It is important to discuss your sensitivity issues with your dentist so that they can determine the cause of the discomfort and monitor it overtime to ensure it doesn’t get any worse. 

Using a toothpaste designed to minimize symptoms is one of the best ways to treat tooth sensitivity. These toothpastes work by treating the nerve-ends that contribute to sensitivity and for most individuals, this simple switch is enough to reduce their discomfort. This should also be combined with switching to a soft bristle toothbrush which is softer on your gums and enamel to prevent the physical damage that contributes to sensitivity. Some patients also find that using a mouthguard in the evening can reduce symptoms associated with sensitivity by protecting the teeth from grinding. 

A lesser-known solution to sensitive teeth is to limit your use of whitening products, including whitening toothpastes, mouthwashes and over-the-counter products. Most whitening systems work by reducing the integrity of enamel and can make sensitivity symptoms worse. Patients have found that their symptoms improve by simply removing whitening products from their oral health care routine. 

For children, most of our tips remain the same: using over-the-counter pain medication, sleeping with the head elevated and avoiding eating cold or acidic foods before bed. For children’s toothaches, it is also important to consult with your dentist to determine what is causing the pain.

Talk to an Experienced Dentist in Woodbridge

When over-the-counter and home remedies fail, Mackenzie Dental Centre can help with your tooth pain and sensitivity. Our team is led by Dr. Lloyd Pedvis, who has over 25 years of experience in family and cosmetic dentistry. Our office is conveniently located in Woodbridge, Ontario, where we serve families from across the GTA. Contact our team to book a regular check-up and discuss your persistent pain and/or sensitivity issues. Dr. Pedvis, the best dentist in Woodbridge and his team can then help make recommendations and treat the underlying cause of your discomfort. If necessary, we can also make custom mouthguards to help protect your teeth all night long. Call us today at 905-417-8700 to take charge of your oral health and finally rid yourself of stubborn pain and sensitivity. 

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