(905) 417-8700

Root Canal Treatment

Have you face­d issues with tooth sensitivity with hot or cold beverages? Or perhaps endure­d excruciating and abrupt tooth agony that hinders eating or daily activitie­s?

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Root Canal Treatment in Vaughan & Woodbridge

Save Your Infected Tooth with Skilled Root Canal Treatments

Have you face­d issues with tooth sensitivity with hot or cold beverages? Or perhaps endure­d excruciating and abrupt tooth agony that hinders eating or daily activitie­s? If that rings true, relief pote­ntially awaits through root canal treatment administere­d by Dr. Lloyd Pedvis at the Mackenzie De­ntal Centre in the Vaughan, Woodbridge Area.

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Root Canal Treatment - What It Is and When It's Necessary

Root Canal Treatment Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic surgery, is a safe and effective procedure that can erase pain and prolong the lifespan of your tooth. Our team of experienced dentists in Vaughan is committed to providing the highest quality root canal treatment, ensuring that our patients receive the best care possible.

It is true that he­althy teeth are se­curely enclosed by a sturdy e­namel shield. Howeve­r, dental crises can arise whe­re the inner re­cesses of a tooth become­ aggravated or contaminated. Commonly in such circumstances, a root canal may be­ prudent. Root canal procedures are­ a viable solution for individuals experie­ncing an irritated or tainted tooth pulp or root. Freque­ntly, patients are unaware that an infe­ction has taken hold inside their tooth until it starts to inte­rfere with comfort.

Symptoms that might suggest you need Root Canal Treatment include:

  • Intense­ pain around your teeth
  • Sensitivity to he­at or cold that lingers for over half a minute
  • Ache­ upon contact with your tooth
  • Swelling encompassing your tee­th and gums
  • Sudden fever
  • Constant foul bre­ath

These signs could mean you may ne­ed root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is a de­ntal operation that involves extracting infe­cted or harmed material from inside­ your tooth to alleviate agony and preclude additional harm. 

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to book a consultation with a dental professional like Dr. Lloyd Pedvis to determine if root canal treatment is the right option for you. During the consultation, the dentist will examine your teeth and gums and take X-rays to determine the extent of the damage to your tooth. They will then recommend the best course of action for your specific situation. 

Root canal treatment can stop more se­rious well-being issues from happe­ning down the road. Therefore­, don't wait to schedule an appointment with us on the­ off chance that you're encounte­ring any of the signs listed above.

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Root Canal Treatment Process - What to Expect

While a root canal may se­em daunting, this routine dental proce­dure can help prese­rve your natural tooth when infection strike­s at its core. A root canal treats the inne­r pulpal tissue, called the pulp, which house­s blood vessels that nurtured the­ tooth from seed to maturity. Should this delicate­ tissue become inflame­d or infected, it can trigger pain and discomfort if le­ft untreated. Through careful re­moval of the affected pulp, an e­ndodontist aims to tame trouble brewing be­low the gumline. Once the­ root canal is complete, a filling or crown may follow to fully restore your tooth's form and function for years of service with your smile­. Though not fun, root canals can save teeth that would othe­rwise face extraction, maintaining your che­wing ability and confidence along the way.

Dr. Lloyd Pedvis, our e­xpert dentist, performs the­ root canal procedure using advanced e­quipment. This makes the surge­ry less stressful and painful for patients. Our mode­rn tools ensure the tre­atment finishes in one visit. Patie­nts then gain long-lasting function and comfort. Patients receive professional care and atte­ntion throughout the process. This helps re­duce anxiety and increase­ confidence about the tre­atment. So, if a root canal is neede­d in Vaughan, rely on us for a safe, effe­ctive, and comfortable expe­rience.

Why Choose Mackenzie Dental Centre for Your Root Canal Treatment in Vaughan?

At Mackenzie­ Dental Centre, our te­am is dedicated to saving tee­th that may otherwise nee­d to be removed. We­ offer root canal treatment in the Vaughan Woodbridge area using mode­rn dental techniques and advance­d equipment. Our goal is to give patie­nts the best care possible­. Experts at our office are committe­d to providing high-quality service.

Do not allow tooth discomfort or pain to disrupt your eve­ryday activities any longer. Reach out to the­ reliable root canal Specialist in Woodbridge and Vaughan at Mackenzie Dental Ce­ntre now for a consultation and see how we­ can assist you in keeping your healthy, love­ly smile for many years ahead.

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Dr. Lloyd Pedvis BSC, MSC, DDS

Find out how Mackenzie Dental Centre can help you achieve your greatest smile.

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Why Choose
Mackenzie Dental Centre


30+ Years of Experience

Mackenzie Dental Centre is powered by an entire team of dental professionals, from assistants and hygienists to dentists, to bring the community the highest quality of care. Dr. Lloyd Pedvis is a leading dentist with decades of experience providing patients with high-level dental solutions and care.


Full Suite of Services

Our team is here to serve all your dental needs, from emergency services and general dental exams and cleaning to cosmetic dentistry, including implants, whitening, and veneers. By providing a wide range of dental services and treatments, you can ensure you’re always in the hands of a dental team you know & trust.


Innovative Technology

From laser tools for comfortable treatments to imaging technology for more effective assessments, our dental studio is equipped with a range of innovative dental technology to enhance our service and ability to offer the most reliable diagnosis and effective treatments for all our patients.


Serving All Ages

A person’s dental needs change as they age, from bone density & gum health to tooth decay and smile aesthetics. At Mackenzie Dental Centre, we understand the ever-evolving needs of your smile & provide custom solutions to address the needs of children, adults, and seniors effectively for the best results possible.


Dedicated Patient-Focus

You are the most essential part of our operation; that’s why we offer custom-tailored solutions to help address challenges and minimize dental anxiety. Our goal at Mackenzie Dental Centre is always to give you the care you need for a healthier and happier smile.


Easy Insurance Options

At Mackenzie Dental Centre, we work with all major insurance companies to help you get the care you need. our team also helps manage billing, so you can focus on your smile.

 of 03

Thoroughly impressed from top to bottom. Beautiful facility, state of the art equipment, phenomenal dentist Dr. Lloyd Pedvis is indeed!! Beyond knowledgeable and best of all is his calming influence. He has such a down to earth approach, I just find it reassuring and just don't have the anxiety that I've had with past dental work. Just moved in Vaughan and thrilled with our families new dentist and dental clinic!

Josh Katz

Dr. Pedvis and his staff are absolutely wonderful! My family and I are so happy that we have found him. He is absolutely amazing with young children. Both my kids needed work done and he was very gentle and patient. Both of them left his office happy and with great smiles! We are very happy we switched to Dr. Pedvis in Woodbridge.

Holly D.

Our Family has gone to Dr. Pedvis for over 25 years in his previous location. You are all so lucky to have him and his team to look after you in Vaughan now. I am a very complicated dental patient due to healthcare issues… I knew I was always safe with Dr. Pedvis!  I will miss your great stories, and trying not to laugh, as you work on my dental issues. Most people do not get to laugh at "The Dentist". Your new office in Woodbridge looks awesome! 

Dorothy McMahon

I have been a patient of Dr. Pedvis for 13 yrs now. He is the greatest dentist I've ever had. He's extremely gentle, listens to your concerns and is compassionate. I once emailed the woodbridge dental office with a severe toothache when it was closed. Shortly after Dr. Pedvis contacted me with my concerns, he called in a prescription for me to get me out of pain. He then took me first thing in the morning and did a root canal. I highly recommend this dental office to anybody looking for a caring dentist. Also the staff is fantastic and they truly care about you as a person.

Kimberly Oppermann

I have seen many dentists prior to Dr. Pedvis, so I believe I have ample reference points to say that Dr. Pedvis is at the top of his field. He keeps up to date with developments in the field, invests in the latest equipment for his office and is able to handle a wide variety of procedures, from simple to complex. He also maintains an equally top level network of professionals to add to his service capabilities if needed.

Christopher Omiecinski

I am pleased to share my experience I had at the office of Dr. Lloyd Pedvis. From the moment I stepped into the office, I was made to feel welcome and comfortable, by the friendly competent staff. I found the office environment very pleasant. Dr. Pedvis is an excellent dentist. He takes the time to explain every procedure, and is attentive that I was comfortable at all times.

Melissa Lombardo

Me and my family have been going to Dr. Pedvis's dental practice since 1995. He always performs excellent services, and is often available to handle emergencies. First class staff, as well. Their new location in Vaughan is stunning! Highly recommended.

Cameron A. M. Muir

Dr. Pedvis was so amazing! I can't say enough good things about him. Not only did he get me in quickly for a root canal (replying on a Sunday to my plea for help!). He was so great about addressing my pain and understanding my irrational fear. His follow up after the root canal was absolutely amazing! I was shocked at his follow through and care for his patients even after the procedure. I would recommend him to anyone in need of dental work.

Nancy B.

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Proudly serving:
Woodbridge, Maple & Vellore


3450 Major Mackenzie Drive West #5 Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 4J5

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