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How To Make The Visit To the Family Dentist Less Scary for Children

Posted on July 02, 2021

family dentist vaughanFor one reason or another, a visit to the dentist can be a frightening thought for your children. No matter the reason for your child’s fear, they still need to have their teeth checked regularly. Your child can skip over the anxiety that comes with visiting a dentist in Woodbridge when you choose a dentist that is specifically geared towards working with children, start your visits early, and explain the importance of oral health. 

Use A Family Dentist

At Mackenzie Dental Centre, we are a family dentistry clinic located in Vaughan. Our family dentists in Woodbridge are trained on how to interact with your child to make them feel comfortable. 

If your child becomes scared with the mention of a dental visit, choosing a family dentist in Vaughan is the best way to help your child overcome this fear. At our family dentistry clinic in Vaughan, we offer various options to help minimize your child's fear of the dentist. 

  1. We offer pre-appointment visits for your children. We want your child to get familiar with our office and staff without the fear that comes with being treated first. 
  2. We offer parents the opportunity to sit in our operating room so that their child feels safe and comfortable while in the chair. 

Start Visits To The Dentist Early

As a strategy to get your child familiar with your dentist and accustomed to regular dental visits, we recommend that you bring your children to see a dentist in Woodbridge as soon as his or her first tooth is visible. Starting visits early and taking your child every 6 months helps establish a report between your child and the family dentist. 

As a rule of thumb, we like to recommend bringing your child in for his or her first dental appointment by their first birthday. Your appointment will not necessarily involve an examination but will serve as a way for your child to get used to our clinic's environment, see the rooms, and meet with their family dentist. 

In our experience, when a child is introduced at an early age to the dentist, they are much more likely to develop a healthy view of taking a trip to the dentist.  

Explain The Importance of Oral health

Your child will be less likely to fear the dentist if he understands the importance of them. By teaching your child and modelling proper oral hygiene behaviours, your child will learn that a trip to the dentist is a part of everyday life, even for mom and dad. Furthermore, getting your kids involved and responsible for good oral hygiene habits will turn visits to the dentist in Woodbridge into a trip your kids will be enthusiastic about.

At Mackenzie Dental Centre, we are committed to getting to know your child. We strive to make our dental office-friendly and welcoming for children and families alike. If you are searching for a family dentist in the Vaughan or Woodbridge area, get in touch with Dr. Lloyd Pedvis and his team at Mackenzie Dental Center today! We look forward to serving you!

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